

Updated November 16

Beautiful You was published many years ago and the website owners have extensive evidence in order to prove this. All contents have been written by the team at Webspectations Ltd, and remain the sole property of this website. Any individual or company found to be taking our content and reproducing it across the web, or for any other purpose, besides informational purposes, will be reported to the relevant authorities.

This website has been produced by Webspectations Ltd. All information, videos and images are provided for informational purposes only, and are subject to International and UK copyright laws and remain the property of Webspectations Ltd and Beautiful You.

Webspectations Ltd is a UK based web-authoring company. The layout and format of this website and the presentation of information on it are the sole property of Webspectations Ltd. and all rights are strictly reserved.

Details of Beautiful You website are provided for information only. Commercial use is PROHIBITED!